Audio Quiz (Part 3): Popular Indian Ad Jingles (contd)
This is the third of my audio quizzes. The first was on theme songs from Indian tv serials and the second one on ad jingles. Today, I am offering the third of those quizzes. The theme of this one is again popular TV ad jingles- mostly from the 80s and 90s. Many of them originally appeared on Doordarshan while some bled over to satellite TV. This should be relatively easy (expecting a lot of 10/10s here) than the TV serial one. After this we have dialogues from movies- tamil, hindi, and english.Moving on to today's quiz, here we go. Same rules of the game (copied and pasted from the previous quizzes):Rules of the Game:Each clip is about 30 seconds long with some rare exceptions. Here is how you can play it and keep it interesting for everyone else too.
- Listen to each of these clips and make a note of your answers.
- Once you are ready, message me your responses.
- While you are at it, would love to hear your feedback on how the quiz was and how I can make the next few episodes better.
- If you can, do respond to the original posting on Facebook or Google Plus with the fact that you sent me the answers. I will respond back with your score.
- Please come back for future episodes of the quiz.