Themes for 2020: More and Less

I tend to shy away from yearly resolutions. Instead, I have used yearly themes as a way to drive changes in my habits and incorporate new goals into my life. I have found this system to work well because it is flexible in how I approach the goal but can be weaved through all my activities throughout the year. This year, my theme is More and Less.

Do More

I am in a phase in my work life and personal life that I need to focus more on a few things- these include my work and key projects for the year, my family, my health and finally a few of my passions in life. This year, the passions I am pursuing are (repeat) analog tools, art, writing and woodworking. All of these passions help me disconnect from technology and in a way, the real world and allow me to focus 100% to the project at hand, be it a spatula or a piece of text I am writing.

Every year, I start out thinking this would be the year I focus on my health. This year is no different. I only hope the outcome is different this time around. I am also looking to spend more time with the family which translates to more board games, more trips and more new things to discover together. Over the last two years, I have seen an uptick in my reading (Kindle for fiction) and listening (audiobooks for non-fiction and lots of Indian classical music). I hope to do more of the same this year. I dont know where I would be without music and books.

Do Less

This year, I am looking to engage less in unwanted political conversations. The air around gets pretty toxic when political discussions happen. Be it whats happening in India or the US or anywhere else for that matter, these conversations are divisive and I really have no desire for negativity in my life. As an oatmeal comic strip put it, I am looking to be kind, understanding and to see more kindness around me.

I have also been slowly but steadily reducing my time in front of screens, big and small. I hope to continue with this project this year.

As with every other year, themes are great to talk about in January but get lost when life takes over. I am hoping to be deliberate about my choices. It is a work in progress but I am determined to get better at it.

P.S. If you think the themes concept resonates with you, you should check out the Cortex podcast or the Theme System website on how you can integrate it into your life. I use a much simpler version of themes.


On Pursuing Passions


The sugarcane fields of Lakshmipuram