I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!

green eggs and hamAnd thus climaxes a brilliant little children's book by Dr.Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham. As a child growing up in India, I had never heard of Dr.Seuss. The first time I ever heard of the author was when Jim Carrey played the Grinch in the 2000 adaptation of "How the Grinch stole Christmas".We recently got a copy of "The Cat in the Hat" as a birthday gift for my toddler and I read my first Dr.Seuss book. This was an interesting read but ultimately too long to be read to a 3 year old who just adores it. Upon much coaxing by the boy, I got him a copy of Green Eggs and Ham and thus has begun my love story with Dr.Seuss. This is a remarkable book in very many ways. In addition to being totally addictive not just to a toddler, but also the adults in the house, the book conveys a very timely message to the kid to give all kinds of things to eat, a shot before giving up on it. At a time when we are trying to introduce new kinds of food with different flavors and textures to the boy, the book serves as a wonderful encouragement tool.Now I want to read all of Dr.Seuss's books. Now I see why his books are so popular with teachers and kids.By the way, did I mention that Green Eggs and Ham still sells a LOT even after 50 years, so much so it is almost never discounted?. And that it has all of 50 words in the entire book?. Brilliant. Just brilliant...I do so like green eggs and ham!Thank you! Thank you! Sam-I-am!


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